The Grain Chain

Find out all about bread and baking with George Explores... The Grain Chain

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Grain Chain Episode 10: Nutrition

Eating healthily

Whether it’s a supermarket or local market, buying good food is really important because what we choose determines how healthy we are – or how healthy we AREN’T!

There’s a few main food groups and they all do different things – think of them as superheroes, each with their own special power!

It’s Carbohydrates! Giving you energy!

Loads of carbohydrates come from grain, as well as from starchy veg like potatoes.

Bread and cereal are good sources of carbohydrates, and that’s why they’re good for breakfast — they release energy slowly across the day to help get you going.

Make way for Protein! Packed with the power to help your body grow and repair itself!

Now most proteins are found in things like meat eggs and fish – but there’s a bit of protein in bread too.

Watch out — here comes superhero number three!

It’s the Phenomenal Fats! Giving you energy and providing insulation for the body!

Yep a small amount of fat IS part of a healthy diet – although it’s better for you if they’re from things like oily fish and nuts rather than a big pile of cream cakes!

If you’re about to do a lot of exercise, you should steer clear of the fatty snacks – they’re hard to digest and will make you feel a bit sluggish.

Watch out — here comes another superhero!

It’s Daring Dazzling Dairy!

Milk and yoghurts are great for minerals like calcium – they’re an important part of the mix, and especially for your bones and teeth.

Watch out, here’s a final hero!

It’s the Fruit and Vegetable!

You might have heard of having five a day but you can eat LOADS more than that.

Fruit and veg are packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre – and loads of other helpful things.

Now if you’re eating from all the superhero food groups and drinking plenty of water, you’ll be getting all the vitamins and minerals you need!

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The Grain Chain

Find out all about bread and baking with George Explores... The Grain Chain

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