Sean has made some more Mario Maker levels for you to try!

Waluigi goes to the zoo and more Hogwarts!


Finally! Here are some Mario Maker levels for you guys to have a go on!

If you fancy having a rootle around Sean’s Harry Potter level – Hogwarts, Mario style: Return to Hogwarts : 1B0A 0000 0046 D6CF

Why not join Waluigi on a trip to the zoo? : Waluigi Goes to the Zoo: FD69 0000 0049 B11B

Or, grab a giant mushroom and smash through a bunch of Pikachu’s in under a minute 60 Second PikaSmash: D872 0000 0046 7163

Check out Sean playing Mario Maker with the voice of Mario!

Watch Sean playing through the levels below…


Explore more…

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