Film of the Week: The Hunger Games

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Only one notable family film out this week, but it’s a big one!

FILMCLUB Film of The Week:

The Hunger Games (2012, 12A)


Director: Gary Ross

Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Elizabeth Banks

The first in what is hoped to be a series of three films, this film version of the bestselling novel for young adults is a great movie.

In the future, each district in America (now called Panem) must send two children between the ages of 12 and 18 into a terrifying competition, of which there can be only one survivor.

When her younger sister is chosen at random to take part in the contest Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) volunteers to spare her, and so her own fight for life begins.

Jennifer Lawrence, gives a great performance and shows what a rising young star she is. She’s tough but clearly afraid in this in a movie about a possible future that feels frighteningly real.

Definitely not one for younger kids – why not try reading the books first to get a feel for what is a great movie adaptation? For those old enough to see it it’s an action packed ride, which asks some very interesting questions of the audience.

Like this? Then also try these great films: Tron (1982, PG); Logan’s Run (2008, PG) Spartacus

Here’s the trailer:


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