So what are ExoMars’ mission objectives?
The ExoMars mission is mainly trying to look for signs of life on Mars and it will do this in a variety of ways.
It will look for ice and water as living things need water to live.
It will test for minerals that might suggest there is life.
And it will analyse the atmosphere on Mars.
Mars is so far away! How are they going to get there in the first place?
They will use a Russian Proton Rocket to carry a landing shuttle and Rosalind the Rover to Mars. It’s a bit of a long way and the journey will take around 9 months!
The craft that is taking the rover and landing shuttle to Mars is unmanned – that means that no people are on it and the whole thing will be controlled from Earth.
So how are they going to do these experiments once they’re on Mars?
The rover will be doing a lot of the experiments once it gets to Mars.
The Rosalind Franklin Rover (to use it’s full name), has been made specially for this mission and is very specialised, just like a Thunderbirds vehicle!
Thunderbird 2 is made to transport rescue equipment and vehicles to the rescue zone.
Thunderbird 3 is made for going into space.
Thunderbird 4 is made for rescuing underwater.
Rosalind the Rover is made to do experiments on Mars!
Thunderbirds Are Go: Mission To Mars is made with support from the UK Space Agency and International Rescue.

Thunderbirds Are Go: Mission To Mars
Join Dan as he heads to Tracy Island with Kayo and Brains from International Rescue to learn all about the ExoMars mission.
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