Britain’s Digital Railways

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Playing Games Near The Railway

Find out how to stay safe around the railways with The Track Pack!

Jack and Ella live near a busy railway line so they know how to stay safe around railway lines!

They call themselves ‘The Track Pack’ and they’re always helping to teach people how to be safe around railway tracks.

Can I play games near a railway track?

It’s always a good idea to stay away from railway lines when you’re playing games because they are dangerous.

Sometimes where you play might be near a fenced off railway line, just like Jack and Ella’s park you saw in the video.

As long as you follow the rules, stay away from the fence and never EVER trespass on the railway line, then you’ll be safe. However, if you can play somewhere else that doesn’t have a railway line near, then that is always the best idea!

Why is it bad to trespass on the railway line?

It’s bad to trespass on railway lines because they are dangerous!

Trains are huge – they’re very long and heavy – and it takes them a long time to stop. If you were ever to get in the way of a moving train, then you’re done for!

And don’t think you can just jump out the way if a train comes, they are so fast that you wouldn’t be able to run out of the way even if you were Usain Bolt! That probably wouldn’t even matter anyway – electric trains are so quiet they would probably get to you before you noticed them.

Railway lines without any trains are just as dangerous. Many railway lines have a third rail or an over head wire that is electrified to provide the power to the trains.

If you were to touch them, you would get a big shock! You don’t even have to touch them, electricity can jump so it can still get you even if keep your distance.

Railway tracks sound really scary!

As long as you follow the rules – stay of the right side of the fence, stand behind the yellow lines on platforms, and never trespass on any railway line, then you’ll be safe and have nothing to worry about.

Just never go onto a railway line for any reason, even if your ball is just on the edge of the tracks and you think you can reach it… just forget about it.

Can I join The Track Pack?

Yes! All you have to do is be safe around railways and tell others to do the same!

Find more from the Track Pack by clicking here.

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You can hear more from Jack and Ella as well as finding out more about Britain’s railways by listening to the podcasts below.

MOBILE: Kids Guide to Transport: Rail and Road

Bex and Dan learn all about the future of Britain's roads and railways!

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Track Pack is supported by Network Rail and the rail industry

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Britain’s Digital Railways

Find out about Britain's railways - from signals and trains to tracks and safety!

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