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Top 10 Facts About Halloween Safety!

Make sure to stay safe when trick or treating this Halloween...

Halloween is right around the corner and we know you’re super excited to dress up and go trick or treating. Before you embark on your spooky adventure, it’s important to know how to stay safe whilst having a howling good time. So, here are the top 10 facts about trick or treating safety this Halloween!

1. Your costume should be spooktacular but safe!

Make sure your outfit fits properly. If it’s too long you could trip over and you don’t want a sore knee…

…although it might add to the costume!

Choose bright colours or add reflective tape to be visible in the dark.

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2. Make sure you can see to avoid accidents.

Masks are awesome for Halloween, but they can sometimes make it hard to see.

Consider using face paint instead so you can see where you’re going and avoid accidents.

It will be dark and spooky after all!

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3. Trick or Treat with friends and family.

Always trick or treat with an adult, older siblings and friends.

There’s safety in numbers!

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4. Stay on the pavement.

Stick to the pavement when you’re walking around.

Avoid walking on the road to stay away from traffic.

It’s sometimes hard to remember when you’re super excited, but it’s very important.

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5. Bring a torch or glow sticks.

Don’t forget a torch or glow sticks.

Not only will they make you more visible, but they also add a cool, eerie touch to your costume!

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6. Get the treats checked.

When you get home, ask a grown-up to inspect your treats.

Throw away any open or unwrapped treats.

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7. Don’t enter anyone’s house.

Don’t enter anyone’s home, no matter how tempting the treats look.

Stay outside and let them give you the treats.

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8. Watch out for traffic.

Look both ways before crossing the street, and always use traffic lights or crossings.

Drivers might be too focused on their own Halloween plans to notice you.

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9. Pets need space too.

If you see a dog or any other pets, remember to give them space.

Some may get scared with all the costumes and noise.

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10. Don’t scare the wrong people!

Halloween is about fun, but it’s also essential to be respectful.

Even though it’s quite difficult… try not to scare anyone who doesn’t want to get involved.

Very young children might get easily scared… and even adults!

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Halloween is a time for smiles, laughter, and treats, so remember these safety tips to make sure your Halloween night is a real treat!

Have a fang-tastic time, and stay safe out there trick-or-treaters.

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