The story of sixteen year old cancer patient Hazel, who meets and falls for amputee and cancer survivor August Waters after meeting at cancer support group is a teenage love story with a difference. With its earnest portrayal of young people with terminal illness, and offering interesting views on how we talk about illness, love and death, The Fault in our Stars promises more than the usual tale of star crossed teenage lovers.
Wanting to find out more about the making of the film, we sent one of our intrepid reporters behind the scenes to get an inside scoop. Watch the video below as reporter Lily talks to actress Laura Dern, actors Natt Wolff and Augustus Waters himself, actor Ansel Elgort about the making of the film and getting into character for some of its more emotional scenes.
Into Film is the new UK education charity (which incorporates the legacy of FILMCLUB and First Light), that seeks to put film at the heart of all children and young people’s education. Visit for more information.
Into Film reporters are school children and college pupils aged 9 – 18 from across the UK who, through the charity, have the opportunity to be introduced to different aspects of the film industry. This includes reporting at events and interviewing film talent — many for the first time, bringing interviews to their peers from their own perspective.
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