Geology Rocks

Rocks are everywhere! And they've been around for ages - the rocks that you see in the back of your garden may be thousands of years old!

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Geology Rocks – Sedimentary Rocks

With the Geological Society!

Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary rocks are formed from sediment grains deposited by water, wind or ice. They are always formed in layers, called β€œbeds” or β€œstrata”, and quite often contain fossils.
Conglomerate is made up of rounded pebbles (>2mm) cemented together. They are formed from sediment deposited by fast-flowing rivers or by waves on beaches.
Mudstone is made up of fine-grained clay particles (<0.05mm) compressed together. Mudstones form where clay has settled out in calm water – in lakes, lagoons, or deep sea. Flaky mudstone is called shale.
Sandstone is made of sand grains (0.05-2mm) cemented together. It is formed from sediment deposited by rivers, the sea, or by the wind, so there are many types of sandstone.
Limestone & Chalk
Limestone is made up of calcium carbonate (fizzes with acid). This may be shell fragments, mud, or small, round ooliths that form in tropical lagoons. Chalk is a soft white limestone made from the microscopic skeletons of marine plankton.

Sedimentary rocks are formed from sediment grains deposited by water, wind or ice. They are always formed in layers, called β€œbeds” or β€œstrata”, and quite often contain fossils.


  • Conglomerate is made up of rounded pebbles (>2mm) cemented together.
  • They are formed from sediment deposited by fast-flowing rivers or by waves on beaches.


  • Mudstone is made up of fine-grained clay particles (<0.05mm) compressed together.
  • Mudstones form where clay has settled out in calm water – in lakes, lagoons, or deep sea.
  • Flaky mudstone is called shale.


  • Sandstone is made of sand grains (0.05-2mm) cemented together.
  • It is formed from sediment deposited by rivers, the sea, or by the wind, so there are many types of sandstone.

Limestone & Chalk

  • Limestone is made up of calcium carbonate (fizzes with acid).
  • This may be shell fragments, mud, or small, round ooliths that form in tropical lagoons.
  • Chalk is a soft white limestone made from the microscopic skeletons of marine plankton.


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Geology Rocks

Rocks are everywhere! And they've been around for ages - the rocks that you see in the back of your garden may be thousands of years old!

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