We’re visiting We The Curious in Bristol in this week’s episode of Activity Quest

Find out more about the museum and how you can get involved below!

In this episode of Activity Quest, we’re going back in time to an incredible science museum in Bristol!

We The Curious has been closed for a little while but will be open later this year, playing host to the Fun Kids Time Machine.

That’s a high-tech time capsule created by CW&T and stuffed full of your thoughts, feelings, recordings and drawings! 

We’re finding out more about the museum…

Remember, We The Curious is currently closed but they’re expecting to open early summer 2024.

Some of the things might have changed but we’re sure it’ll be just as awesome. And there’s a way for you to get involved too…

We The Curious are accepting a time capsule from us, stuffed full of your things!

We’re calling it the Fun Kids Time Machine and you can enter right now.

On February 29th 2024, we’ll lock the time capsule and leave it in the care of We The Curious for everyone to visit when it’s re-open.

Enter now!

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