Archives for: There’s Got To Be a Better Way
9. Advertising
This episode is all about making adverts for your product. What types of advertising can you...
10. Delivery
What do you mean by delivery? We're talking about how customers are going to get their product after...
8. Retailing
In this episode Jack & Holly talk about all the different ways they could sell their new vacuum...
7. Storytelling
Today Jack & Holly are learning all about how important it is to tell a story to your customers to try...
6. Price and Promotion
In this episode Jack & Holly spend some time thinking about what the right price would be for the to...
5. Product & Place
In this episode Holly & Jack spend some time thinking about who they are trying to sell their vacuum...
Colouring Sheets
Jack and Holly have been designing their new cleaner and have had loads of great ideas about what it should...
4. It's All About Insight
In this episode Jack & Holly are thinking all about insight and how to learn more about how good their...
3. It's All About Prototypes
In this episode Jack & Holly are thinking all about prototypes, why they're important and how they can...
2. It's All About Research
In this episode Jack & Holly are learning that if you want a hit product you need to do more work then...