Pet Gallery


Here are a few of the pictures you’ve sent in of your pets!

Thanks to everyone who sent one in!

Check out some of your awesome paw-traits!

We love this picture! This is 12-year-old Faith’s very cute Springer
Lucy, who’s aged 8, has sent in this great picture of her pet cat Scratchy, who loves eating the duvet!lucy-scratchy
Here’s a picture of one of 13-year-old Kiera’s goats! Apparently they like to sit in the garden enjoying a summer’s day! There’s Toffee who is brown and Dotty who is white. Kiera also wants to say hi to Bobby – hi!Kiera-goats
Rachel Shaw sent in this picture from Christmas a few years ago when she took her dog and 7-year-old sister to go have some fun in the snow!rachel-dog
10-year-old Aimee has sent in this picture of her pet cat Stevie. She says she loves Stevie and she’s her best friend!aimee-stevie