Intergalactic Weather Watch

Coronal Mass Ejections, solar flares, and more! Weather in space can seriously affect live on Earth!

More From Intergalactic Weather Watch

What’s the weather like on Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, and across the solar system?

Just like Earth, every planet has its own type of weather

Earth has lots of different types of weather. Rain, wind, sun, hail, snow, fog, smog, thunder, hurricanes, clouds…

Did you know planets also have their own types of weather?!

Have you ever wondered:

  • Does it snow on Mercury?
  • Is it raining on Venus?
  • Do other planets have clouds?
  • What’s the weather like on Mars?

Let’s take a tour of our solar system and find out all about the different types of space weather there are on other planets!


Since Mercury has hardly any atmosphere, it does not have weather like storms, clouds, winds or rain!

But the surface of Mercury can reach 427 degrees during the day (because it is so close to the Sun) and can drop to -187 at night (because there is no atmosphere to trap the daytime heat).



Venus has some of the coolest weather of any planet!

On the surface, the planet roasts at more than 450 degrees under a suffocating blanket of acid clouds and a crushing atmosphere more than 90 times the pressure of Earth’s.



Mars is much colder than Earth. The average temperature varies from -20ยบ to a comfortable 20ยบ! 

Mars’ atmosphere consists of 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, and the remainder is trace amounts of oxygen, water vapour, and other gases.



Jupiter experiences storms that can grow to thousands of miles in diameter in the space of a few hours!

The planet also experiences windstorms, lightning, and auroras in some areas. In fact, the weather on Jupiter is so extreme that it can be seen from space!



Saturn has violent electrical storms that produce huge amounts of energy!

Jupiter has something known as the ‘Great Red Spot’, which is a big storm! Saturn has something similar, known as the ‘Great White Spot’!



Neptune has the weirdest weather in the whole solar system! It varies so much!

Its atmosphere has dark spots which come and go. These are like clouds, which change very rapidly! It’s also very cold on Neptune at -214ยบ!


If you want to find out more about space weather, you should check out Deep Space High: Intergalactic Weather Watch! Sam, Stats, and Quark are all taught about solar flares, cosmic rays, coronal mass ejections and more!

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Deep Space High: Intergalactic Weather Watch, with support from the Science and Technology Facilities Council.

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Intergalactic Weather Watch

Coronal Mass Ejections, solar flares, and more! Weather in space can seriously affect live on Earth!

More From Intergalactic Weather Watch