Some of the elements that make our phones and tablets work are running out!
Lots of important elements are due to run out in 100 years which could mean that we can’t make anymore phones.
Listen to the episode above to hear all about Yttrium, what it is and what important job it does in your phone.
What is Yttrium?
It’s a very important element used for loads of useful things. It’s even an important component in your mobile phone!
It’s has the chemical symbol Y on the periodic table.
What can Yttrium do?
It’s metal that’s very strong but bendy which makes it great for making wires for your gadgets.
Certain forms of it can also burn with a super bright light. This has been used to make street lights brighter.
How did it get discovered?
It was discovered in 1787 by a Swedish chemist called Carl Axel Arrhenius.
He found it in a quarry bear the Swedish town of Ytterby – which is where it gets its name from.
It’s now mined all over the world to be used in lots of different things.
Why is it an element in danger?
Because we’re running out!
Although you can find it all over the world you can never find it in huge amounts. It’s always mixed up with a load of different rare elements and it takes a lot of time a effort to separate out that small amount.
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Elements In Danger
Learn all about the elements that we're in danger of running out of with Kareena and K-Mistry!
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