Where in the World? Poland!

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The Fun Kids Polish Phrasebook

Can you speak Polish?

While exploring Poland, our Fun Kids adventurer John Iflyalot has learnt a few key Polish words and phrases.

So if you fancy speaking some Polish, here’s a few tips from John!

Yes = Tak

No = Nie (PRON: nye)

Thank you = Dziękuję (PRON: Jenkoo-yen)

Please = Proszę (PRON: PRO-she)

Excuse me = Przepraszam (PRON: pshe-pra-sham)

Hello = Dzień dobry (PRON: Jeyn Dob-ry)

Goodbye = Do widzenia (PRON: do vee-dze-nya)

Good night = Dobranoc (PRON: doh-brah-nots)

I do not understand = Nie rozumiem (PRON: Nyeh roh-zoom-yem)

Do you speak English? = Mówisz po angielsku? (PRON: chi moo-vish po ang-gyel-skoo)

Can you help me? = Czy może mi pan m / pani f pomóc (PRON: Tchih MO-zheh mee pahn / PAH-nee POH-moots)

How are you? = Jak się masz (PRON: Yahk sheng mah-sh)

Good = Dobrze (PRON: dob-zhe)

Bad = Źle

Tea = Herbata

Water = Woda


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Where in the World? Poland! with support from the Polish Cultural Institute in London

To find out more visit www.polishculture.org.uk


Where in the World? Poland!

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