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Whales and Dolphins in Spain

See whales and sperm whales jumping in Spain!

Visit Spain and watch as families of friendly dolphins swim at 80 km/hour in their natural habitat, or even get to admire huge killer whales up close!

In Spain there are various areas suitable for whale watching. Worthy of special mention are Tarifa, in Cadiz province, and, above all, the Canary Islands, with Tenerife at the forefront. There are many companies that organise sea outings all year round.

These companies and their vessels have the necessary regulatory permits, and meet a series of requirements that ensure the protection of the animals in question. They also offer a high degree of comfort and a range of services on board to ensure that your outing is a resounding success: guides and instructors, drinks on deck, lunches, underwater viewing cabins that turn the sea into a giant aquarium!

You should, however, book in advance for busier periods of the year. The best thing is to head for the tourist office of the place in question, where they will be able to give you full details about all these activities.

Before you set off, choose your day well. Calm, sunny days are the best ones to head out in search of whales. The duration of outings varies, and can go from about 90 minutes to more than 5 hours. Bear this in mind so that the little ones don’t get too tired.

Sometimes outings can include a swim in places that are only accessible by boat, accompanied by thousands of brightly coloured fish. Prices tend to be quite affordable, and there are special tourist packages and discounts available for children.

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with support from the Spanish Tourist Office, inspired by Spain.

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Where in the World? Spain!

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