Zoom to the Moon

Zoom's stuck on Earth! Can you help them return home?

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Biofuels (Fuel in Space: Zoom to the Moon)

Find out more about biofuels in space

Planetary Pros: Biofuels, which are created from renewable sources like plants and algae, offer the potential for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional rocket fuels.

They can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. A great benefit is that we already have the means to produce them which could lower costs. 

Cosmic Cons: Biofuels for space rockets are still in the early stages of development and face several challenges.

The fuel would need to be at a very high energy density for to be able to propel rockets efficiently – something that’s tricky to achieve.

Also making enough to meet demands of space missions can be challenging as it requires a huge quantity of biomaterial.

It might just be too tricky and expensive to use widescale for space rockets… although trials and research continue. 

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Zoom to the Moon

Zoom's stuck on Earth! Can you help them return home?

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