Zoom to the Moon

Zoom's stuck on Earth! Can you help them return home?

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Radio (Communication in Space: Zoom to the Moon)

Learn more about radio in space

Planetary Pros: Radio communication has been used in space missions for decades.

It’s well-established and a reliable method of communication.

Radio waves can penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere, meaning it’s easy for people to communicate directly between spacecraft and ground stations.

And radio systems are pretty simple, compact and require less power compared to other communication methods. 

Cosmic Cons: Radio signals aren’t able to transmit large amounts of data and can be affected by interference, noise and the atmospheric conditions, leading to drops in the signal. 

This type of communication also needs a network of ground stations to provide continuous coverage during space missions.

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Zoom to the Moon

Zoom's stuck on Earth! Can you help them return home?

More From Zoom to the Moon