Zoom to the Moon

Zoom's stuck on Earth! Can you help them return home?

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Lead (Radiation in Space: Zoom to the Moon)

Find out more about lead in space

Planetary Pros: Lead is a dense and very effective radiation shielding material, offering excellent protection against a wide range of radiation types, including gamma rays and X-rays.

Lead is widely available and has a long history of use in radiation shielding applications.

It provides reliable and consistent shielding performance, making it suitable for the critical areas of the rocket where shielding is most important.

Cosmic Cons: Two major drawbacks of lead are its weight and toxicity.

Lead is a dense material, which makes the rocket heavier, making it need more fuel, and fuel is expensive.

It’s also a toxic – or poisonous substance, and its use can mean there’s quite a lot of environmental and health concerns during manufacturing, handling, and disposal. 

Go back to choose another type of protection to investigate and move the build on!

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Zoom to the Moon

Zoom's stuck on Earth! Can you help them return home?

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