What is Childline?

Call Childline now on 0800 1111

Childline is a hotline just for kids.

It’s a special phone number you can call anytime you need help, advice, or just someone to talk to.

The people who answer the phone are trained to listen and help with all sorts of things, like if you’re feeling sad, scared, or confused.

They won’t judge you, and they’ll keep everything you say private and confidential, just between you and them.

Whether you’re being bullied, having trouble at home, or just need someone to chat with, Childline is there for you.

You can contact Childline

On the phone: 0800 1111.

Don’t worry, nobody will know you called Childline. It doesn’t show on your bill.

Online: https://www.childline.org.uk/get-support/

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