What is Hopeline247?

Call, email, or text Hopeline

Hopeline247 is like a lifeline for when things feel really tough.

It’s a special helpline that’s open 24/7, meaning you can call or text them any time of day or night, even when everyone else is asleep.

They’re there to listen and support you if you’re feeling overwhelmed, sad, or even in crisis.

The people on the other end of the line are trained to help you through difficult moments and can offer guidance, comfort, and resources to help you feel better.

No matter what you’re going through, you can reach out to Hopeline247 and know that someone cares and is ready to help you through it.

If you are having thoughts of suicide or are concerned for a young person who might be you can contact HOPELINE247 for confidential support and practical advice.

Call: 0800 068 4141
Text: 88247
Email: [email protected]

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