Pet Gallery


Here are a few of the pictures you’ve sent in of your pets!

Thanks to everyone who sent one in!

Check out some of your awesome paw-traits!

Jess, aged 10, has got in touch with her border collie. She says he’s a bit of a poser – we can see! Great picture!
12-year-old Lizzy has sent in this cute picture of Jojo. He isn’t her pet but Jojo kindly walks him and he hangs out with her and her family a lot. He can do lots of tricks and is great to cuddle – although Lizzy says he gets very lazy at the end of the day!
Luke has sent in this picture of his kitten Tiger. He is one years old and is very fluffy and cute!
Thanks to Solene for sending in this cool picture of her two cats, Leo and Tiger-Lily! Very cute and we love their bunk beds!