Check out Ratburger by David Walliams!


Zoe is a little girl with a pet rat!

ratburger packshotRatburger is the 5th book by David Walliams and it’s about a little girl called Zoe. But things aren’t looking good for her!

Her stepmother Sheila is really lazy! She’s so lazy she gets Zoe to pick her nose for her! Yuck! The school bully Tina Trotts makes her life a misery by flobbing on her head. And now the evil Burt from Burt’s Burgers is after her pet rat! 

Burt wants to make Zoe’s pet rat into a burger and Zoe needs to stop him before it’s too late!

Ratburger by David Walliams is out now. Click here to find out more!

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