Archives for: Chemistry and Climate

What is COP26? & Become a Climate Hero!
What is COP26? COP26 was a big conference where leaders from all over the world came together to discuss...

Chemistry and Climate Change

Chemistry & Climate Change = Connected?
Have you noticed that the weather can go from sunny blue skies, to pouring rain at the drop of a hat?! Well,...

Chemistry of Soil
There's chemistry in pretty much everything - even soil! Let's go back to basics, what is soil? There's...

Pollution in the atmosphere traps heat, causing the earth’s temperature to rise. So, reducing levels...

New research is confirming that single use plastic bottles are one of the fastest growing contributors to...

Every day, over 800 million people go to bed hungry and with a rise in global population expected, that...

Road vehicles are currently the UK’s largest contributor to greenhouse gases… and it doesn’t seem to...

Green Chemistry
Green chemistry involves creation on the molecular level - going right down to the tiniest particles and...

How Chemistry Helps Spot Climate Change
Air is a mixture of gases and particles. Most of those gases aren’t harmful – like nitrogen and...