Archives for: Great British Minds

Oluwaseyi Sosanya and cloth
Sir Sidney McSprocket introduces us to great British minds, J Harrison...

Lucy invented a new material!
William Jenkins was an inventor and manufacturer in Victorian times and one of his creations was showcased...

Making your own exhibition
The Great Exhibition of 1851 was attended by millions of people, including royalty and all the big names of...

This woman made mouldable glue!
As we have seen, the 1851 Great Exhibition in London was a great opportunity to celebrate great British...

Duncan Fitzsimons and future of movement
Making life better is an approach favoured by many creative people and nowhere would you have seen more...

This pavement generates power!
One of the most intriguing inventions at the 1851 Great Exhibition was a silent alarm bed. This contraption...

James Dyson and Rimmel (London)
Sir Sidney McSprocket introduces two Great Minds – Eugene Rimmel and Sir James Dyson, and...

Designer Sir Jony Ive
The Victorians loved new and exciting things, and in the Great Exhibition of 1851 they celebrated the best...

Lovelace, Babbage and Berners Lee
Sir Sidney McSprocket takes us on a journey to meet three Great British Minds who are responsible for the...

Sir Sidney's Great British Minds
Sir Sidney McSprocket's back and this time he's telling us all about some great British minds! Every...