London: Royal Aeronautical Society and the CAA

There are loads of places around the UK which are associated with Britain’s aerospace industry!

Amy Aviation is on a tour of the UK, visiting places well-known for their connection with UK aeronautics!

Today she is visiting London, the capital of the UK!

You might not think it, but London has been at the heart of aviation for well over a hundred years.

Even before there were powered aeroplanes, the sky above London played host to hot air balloons and airships. It all began in the mid-1800s when people began to experiment with gliders and aircraft…

There was a lot of interest in this new exciting form of travel and so in 1866 the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain was formed.

Today it’s known as the Royal Aeronautical Society. Its role is still the same – to help share knowledge and investigate better ways to make and fly aircraft.

The society’s headquarters by Hyde Park houses a huge library of resources about aviation – from books to pictures of famous aviators!

Following the First World War, there was a huge increase in the number of aircraft in the skies. Airfields were soon springing up across the country.

After the Second World War, people began to use airplanes to travel overseas for their holidays. The skies were getting very busy indeed!

With so many planes criss-crossing the country, there was a need for some rules to help prevent flying accidents – and this included making sure that pilots were properly trained.

Today an organisation called the Civil Aviation Authority is in charge of making sure everyone stays safe.

From its headquarters in Holborn, the CAA oversees training, ensures aircraft are built correctly, using the latest technology where possible, and that airports run efficiently.

All so that passengers can be assured that flying is as safe as possible.

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MOBILE: Amy's Aviation: Kids Guide to Airplanes & Airports

The podcast that discovers how airplanes fly and what goes on behind-the-scenes at airports

Amy Aviation’s British Aeronautics, with support from the Royal Aeronautical Society!


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