Amy Aviation: All About Planes

Amy tells us all about planes!

More From Amy Aviation: All About Planes

Where are planes kept?

Aircraft Hangar Tour and Air Parks with Amy Aviation!

Captain Amy from Aviation Airways knows tonnes about air travel and in this brand new animated series she’s been taking us all over the place and teaching us cool things about aviation.

In this latest episode Captain Amy is showing us where we keep planes when they’re not flying or at the gate.

We get to look round an aircraft hangar which is like a huge garage for a plane. We also go on a tour of an air park which is a huge open-air area for planes to park up when they’re not being used.

Storing a plane for a while isn’t as easy as it sounds though. There are special steps to take so the plane doesn’t sink and the tyres don’t explode!

Check out the video by clicking the link above!

Click here to find out more planes!

Amy Aviation with support from the Royal Aeronautical Society. Click here to find out more.

Amy Aviation: All About Planes

Amy tells us all about planes!

More From Amy Aviation: All About Planes