Disney Channel announces Incredible Summer, packed full of shows, kicking off on 23rd July.

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Disney Channel’s launching something brand new in July called the Incredible Summer!

They’re basically packing the channel with new stuff every day in the summer holidays.

Kicking off the countdown to Incredible Summer will The Incredibles, airing on Friday 13th July from 5:30 p.m. That’s partly because the new Incredibles movie, Incredibles 2, comes out on July 13th!

You’ll also get to see the launch of the second series of Raven’s Home, a brand new series called Bug Juice: My Adventures at Camp, the Disney Channel premiere of DuckTales, and new season two episodes of Andi Mack!

Mulan and Aladdin will also get showings the summer hols and you can look forward to accessing new content on the Disney Channel YouTube channel and the Disney Channel App every week of summer!

Disney Channel’s Incredible Summer kicks off on 23rd July!

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