Archives for: Thunderbirds Are Go: Mission To Mars

How Does The ExoMars Rover See?
The rover's a robot, why does it need to see? The rover needs to see so that we can see! What's the...

Drilling Down
Why does the rover have a drill? It has a drill so it can get through all the different types of soil...

Rosalind The Rover
So what is the Rosalind Franklin Rover? The Rosalind Franklin rover is probably the biggest part of...

Going Deep Into Space
So why is getting the ExoMars mission off earth and into space so hard? Getting off the ground is...

Dan Teams Up With The Thunderbirds
So what are ExoMars' mission objectives? The ExoMars mission is mainly trying to look for signs of...

Why Are We Trying To Go To Mars?
There have been plenty of missions to Mars over the years, but why are scientists so excited about going...