Week 2: Aeroplanes with Amy’s Aviation

This week we're learning all about aeroplanes with Amy's Aviation!

More From Week 2: Aeroplanes with Amy’s Aviation

Mission 5: Air Traffic Control

Everyday this week we're taking on missions all about Aeroplanes! Today's mission is to find out all about the air traffic controllers...

Who is Amy Aviation?

Amy is mad about everything aeronautical (that means everything to do with planes)!

She know’s everything there is to know about planes and loves to sharing her knowledge – when she’s not busy flying around.

Watch this video all about air traffic controllers…

After that you should have a good idea about what air traffic controllers do and why they’re important.

What is an air traffic controller?

Air traffic controllers manage all the planes in the sky.

If you think about when your parents are driving a car there are lots of signs and indicators for them to follow to keep you safe,

These might be traffic lights, road signs or speed bumps.

In the sky you can’t have signs floating around so the air traffic controllers make sure every plane is following the rules and doing what it should be doing.

They have to do things like manage when planes take off and land so they don’t all try and land at the same place at the same time.

How do air traffic controllers keep track of all the planes?

They use the best technology to keep track like radar and satellites as well as talking to the pilots via a radio.

What did pilots do before air traffic controllers?

They were basically on their own up in the sky with no guidance!

All they had were flags and lights on the airfield to guide them on when and where to land the plane.

How do you become and air traffic controller?

You need to get trained at the NATS in Fareham.

NATS stands for ‘National Air Traffic Service’ and this is where you learn how to be an air traffic controller.

Your mission is to complete this quiz and see how much you know about air traffic controllers

Click here to see the next lot of mission all about jobs kids had in the victorian era!

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Week 2: Aeroplanes with Amy’s Aviation

This week we're learning all about aeroplanes with Amy's Aviation!

More From Week 2: Aeroplanes with Amy’s Aviation