Week 1: Intellectual Property with Nancy & The Meerkats

This week we're learning all about copyright, trademarks and intellectual property with Nancy & The Meerkats!

More From Week 1: Intellectual Property with Nancy & The Meerkats

Mission 2: Logos and Symbols

Everyday this week, we're learning about intellectual property and copyright! Today, Nancy's helping us learn about logos...

Who are Nancy & The Meerkats?

Nancy & The Meerkats are a super cool band that love to make music!

They also love to help people learn all about copyright (with the help of their manager – Big Joe).

Watch this video where Nancy and Big Joe explain what a logo is, why they’re important, and why you can’t steal other peoples…

After watching that video, you should understand a little more about what a logo is, what you can use them for, and how to register one so that no one else can use it without your permission.

What is a logo?

A logo is a type of trade mark. A recognisable image, drawing or design, unique to your business or organisation, which is used to advertise your goods and services on bill boards, advertisements, stationary and vehicles.

So how do I turn my picture into a logo trade mark?

You have to register it with the Intellectual Property Office, only then is it a registered trade mark.

Why do I need to register it as a trade mark? What’s the point?

Once your logo is registered as a trade mark it means that no one else can use that logo without your permission. That means that if you were selling t-shirts with your new cool logo on it then know one else can sell the same t-shirts unless you gave them permission.

You will usually see the ® symbol next to trade mark logos, that tell’s you that it’s been registered with the Intellectual Property Office.

Logo’s are very powerful when it comes to recognising things like bands, companies and brands. This is why people register them, so that people can’t use their logo and trick people into thinking that they are who they have stolen the logo from.

Activity: How many of the things below can you name from just the logo…

How did you get on?

Click here to see the answers and let us know how many you got right in the comments below!

Click here to see the next mission all about music copyright!

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Week 1: Intellectual Property with Nancy & The Meerkats

This week we're learning all about copyright, trademarks and intellectual property with Nancy & The Meerkats!

More From Week 1: Intellectual Property with Nancy & The Meerkats