Who are Nancy & The Meerkats?
Nancy & The Meerkats are a super cool band that love to make music!
They also love to help people learn all about copyright (with the help of their manager – Big Joe).

Watch this video about filming a concert on your phone…
After that you should understand more about the rules around recording live music at a concert.
Can I take photos and video at a concert?
No, this is infringing on the copyright of the performance which is not allowed.
But I saw lots of people taking photos and videos on their phones at the last concert I went to?
Well even though it isn’t allowed people do still do it.
Performers don’t usually have a problem with it as people just use the footage to remind themselves of the show and show their friends.
However the performer could ask for all those videos and photos to be destroyed if they wanted.
I saw somebody post a video of a concert they went to online, is that allowed?
No, just like we said before your not allowed to video and you’re especially not allowed to upload the video online.
This is copyright Infringement.
What is copyright infringement?
Copyright infringement is defined as using copyrighted material without permission.
Activity: Create a poster to promote your band’s next show!
Use everything you’ve learnt in these lessons and make a poster to promote your bands next show.
You can use pictures and logos to really make your poster pop!
Just remember to only use logos, names and pictures you made yourself so that you don’t do infringe on anyone else’s copyright.
How did you get on?
How does your poster look?
Make sure you take plenty of photos to show your friends and family!
That’s the end of the missions for week 1, click here to see week 2’s missions!
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This week we're learning all about copyright, trademarks and intellectual property with Nancy & The Meerkats!
More From Week 1: Intellectual Property with Nancy & The Meerkats