Baron Grindwal’s Polish Treasure Hunt

100 years ago Baron Grindwal explored Poland! Now we're following in his tracks as we set off on a treasure hunt...

More From Baron Grindwal’s Polish Treasure Hunt

A special Polish city… Let’s visit Gdansk and find out about Poland’s history!

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We’re on a treasure hunt! That’s a POSZUKIWANIE SKARBÓW in Polish.

We’re using Baron Grindwal’s map to learn more about POLSKA – or Poland as we call it in the UK.

Baron Grindwal was a riddler – and so to explore POLSKA, we’re going to have to solve some of his riddles.

In this episode, we’re trying to find a very special Polish city. We will explore some of the most exciting places to visit in Poland.

So let’s get things underway with the first of the Baron’s riddles.

Riddle 1: “Go north to find, in sun or rain, a place that’s bound to entertain.”

Somewhere you can have fun whatever the weather? That could be almost anywhere in Poland!

Perhaps ZAKOPANE! It’s a beautiful town, surrounded by some impressive mountains – GÓRY called TATRY. There you will also find vast forests – that’s LASY – with brown bears and other wild animals.

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It’s also where many Polish people take their holidays – skiing in the winter and hiking in the summer. So plenty to keep you entertained!

But the riddle says to look north and ZAKOPANE couldn’t be more southerly! It’s right at the bottom of Poland – almost on the border with Slovakia.

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Riddle 2: “A jewel in Poland’s crown to see, a busy hub of industry.”

Looking at the map, the city of ŁÓDŹ is certainly famous for its industry – it’s a place which has been making fabric for many centuries.

What a melting pot of creativity it is to this day, with the MUZEUM SZTUKI – that’s the museum of modern art. It’s also home to a thriving film and fashion community. Many movies are filmed here because of the unusual and beautiful architecture. You won’t go short on entertainment here!

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Riddle 3: “Good things often come in threes, to find the treasure, search the seas.”

Well, the part of Poland which borders the sea is to the north, right here by the MORZE BAŁTYCKIE – the Baltic Sea. That’s a good start!

There’s FONTANNA – a fountain in the city of GDAŃSK. The fountain has the figure of Neptune – he’s the God of the Sea! He’s holding a trident – that’s a three-pronged fork – seas and threes!

Gdańsk is a beautiful city with many shops and cafes tucked around cobbled streets. From the historic buildings on the Long Market to zoos and aquariums – you will certainly be entertained if you visit!

And Gdansk is famous for its BURSZTYN – that’s Polish for amber, a beautiful stone created from fossilised tree sap. You could try and find them on the Baltic’s sandy beaches or visit the Amber Museum – a jewel in the crown for sure!

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Related Polish words and phrases:

MIASTO – city
MIASTECZKO – town / small city
ZAMEK – castle
BURSZTYN – amber
PLAŻA – beach
MUZEUM – museum
NARODOWY – national
TARG – market
RYNEK – the market square
UNIWESYTET – university
FONTANNA – fountain
POMNIK – monument
ŻURAW – crane (also a bird)
DWÓR – court
MUZEUM SZTUKI – art museum

More to click…

Click to find out more about Łódź

Click to find out more about Gdańsk

Click to find out more about MUZEUM SZTUKI in Łódź!

Click to find out more about the Gdansk Museum and its Amber collection

Explore more of Poland with Baron Grindwal!

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MOBILE: Learn Polish: Kids & Beginner's Guide for How to Speak Polish

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Learn Polish with support from the Polish Cultural Institute London.

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Baron Grindwal’s Polish Treasure Hunt

100 years ago Baron Grindwal explored Poland! Now we're following in his tracks as we set off on a treasure hunt...

More From Baron Grindwal’s Polish Treasure Hunt